
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

Debate | Should civil engineers re-evaluate their relationship with water resources?

Debate | Should civil engineers re-evaluate their relationship with water resources?

 “We’ve lost clarity of how we manage water holistically.”

NCE partnered up with Wavin for a debate about civil engineers’ - and society’s - relationship with water and how it needs to change, featuring representatives of Binnies, Arup, Aecom, Hampshire County Council and more.

Read my write up here.

Bubble curtain speeds up Tyneside piling works by dampening noise

Bubble curtain speeds up Tyneside piling works by dampening noise

Future of Rail Debate | Is the transport sector ready for digital twins?

Future of Rail Debate | Is the transport sector ready for digital twins?