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Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

BPM's Top 30 Big Thief Songs

BPM's Top 30 Big Thief Songs

The BPM team has voted on their top 30 Big Thief songs. An extremely gut-wrenching choice, which is sure to spark some debate.

Everyone’s done a fantastic job writing up the songs. I got to pen some words about “Century”, “Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You”, “Real Love”, “Mythological Beauty”, “Mary” and “Cattails”.

Take a look at the full list here.

How contractors are gearing up to build record breaking Fehmarnbelt immersed tube tunnel

How contractors are gearing up to build record breaking Fehmarnbelt immersed tube tunnel

Interview: Grace Cummings - “I'm just a dramatic person”

Interview: Grace Cummings - “I'm just a dramatic person”